Soup & Study
Wednesdays, 6-7:30 PM
March 12 - April 16
This 6-session book & Bible study is open to all. We will use Turning Over Tables by Kathy Escobar to guide our conversations. When we investigate the scriptures we find that Jesus’ mission and ministry were always about reaching out to and lifting up the poor, the oppressed, the marginalized, and the forgotten. The power systems of Jesus’ time were set up to ensure that the people who were set aside by society, were pushed farther to the edges. Jesus’ message points our attention to God’s rule, and to the value and worth of all people.
Participants will need access to the book. RSVP by emailing Rev. Michelle.
Church Workday
Saturday, March 29, 8 AM - 12 PM
Help us get our campus spruced up and tidied for Easter. There will be tasks for all ages. Watch for sign-ups.
Seder Dinner
Saturday, April 12, 5 PM
Join in a Passover Seder, a meal rich in history and meaning for our Jewish siblings. We remember that Jesus grew up with this tradition, and we give thanks to God for the many ways we receive love and grace. All ages are welcome. Sign up on the interest list, and you will be contacted about what to bring. For more information, contact Jill:
Summer Camp
July 14 - 18, 8:45 AM - 12 PM
Kids, ages TK - 10 years, are invited to take a summer Road Trip. Through science, art, music, stories, and games we will experience how God goes with us, everywhere we go!