UMCOR responds in practical and helpful ways with relief, care and compassion to people around the world who are suffering due to a disaster. UMCOR is very often among the first humanitarian aid organizations on the ground following a disaster. 100% of donations made go to helping those in need, and not to administrative costs.
How to Help - LA County Wildfires
The needs to help those who have been affected by the wildfires will be ongoing and will change as the full scope of damage is discovered. The situation will remain fluid for some time. We will continue to update this information:
Ways to help immediately:
Donate to the Los Angeles Fire Recovery Fund through the UMC California Pacific Conference. These funds will benefit all of the LA communities who are suffering. Follow this link.
Donate to UMCOR (United Methodist Committee on Relief) for its disaster relief for the CA fires. Follow this link.
Sunday Morning Welcome & Hospitality Teams
Hospitality is one of the most important ways we can show God’s love to guests and friends who visit Mission Hills UMC on Sunday morning. Together, we can help all who come feel like they have a place to belong. To learn more, click the position title. To sign up click here.
Storefront is an overnight shelter and day center for homeless youth 12-17 years of age located in Hillcrest. They can house up to 10 teens 365 days/year. The goals of the programs are family reunification, counseling, independent living, social skills, and job skills developments. They provide transportation, food, clothing, showers, clean beds, and laundry. They also run a drop-in center from 8am - 4pm where teens have access to Storefront services.
MHUMC families provide one dinner a month, to Storefront, either homemade, delivery or a financial donation to cover the cost of a meal. Contact Vicki Shepperd Chin or (619) 203-2838.
The Good Shepherd Ministry Center at the El Cajon campus of Foothills United Methodist Church is cultivating a place of health and
peace with all our programs including the following: Bethlehem Food Pantry, Little Lambs Diaper Program and Just For Ewe Adult Diaper Program, Shepherd’s Closet, and Good Shepherd Community Learning Garden. You can support their good work by donating clean, plastic shopping bags. Bags may be placed in the bin in the parlor.